Sunday, April 3, 2011


There are all kinds of people in our lives. Some of us have the luxury of picking the people that we spend our time with. Some of us were fortunate enough to be born with an iron will. Some have parents that pressure them constantly in one way or another, without ever backing down. Some people decide that the only way to get things done is to put others down. Ultimately, we all have to deal with people that give attitude, complain constantly or simply are downright rude. What pisses me off is that the positive, self-help gurus tell us to limit our exposure to those kinds of people, or simply be less affected by it. Well, what happens when we can do neither? What is the solution then? Many have turned to drinking, drugs, lying and simply bitter dispositions. Where are the practical applications to dealing with these people? Are the people that are affected by such manipulators doomed to be in second place for the rest of their lives? Where is the justice? Where are the solutions?